Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Graduate

I don't feel like hopping on the trainer for a fun-filled hour and a half (I see a recurring theme to when I post :-)), so instead... update time!

This past Wednesday I finally graduated from school!! 6 1/2 years straight through of Bachelor's and Master's work completed (ahhh... exhale)! Bellarmine does commencement a little different from UofL. First off we had to wear these silly Harry Potter robes with drapey things on the arms, then we had to put on a silly Harry potter hood that went down to my butt and chocked me the entire ceremony. But other than looking a little cooky, commencement was actually enjoyable (again, I'm a dork).

There were two speakers: the honorary graduate and the President. First the honorary grad got up and spoke about grace; and how it's through the grace of God, my parents, donors, professors and mentors that I was there and graduating. He was pretty funny too... but I'm not sure if he meant to be.

Next was the President who spoke about confidence and leadership; he said to trust our decision making capabilities and believe in ourselves, always follow and stand up for what we believe.

I thought the ceremony was really cool. It was short and sweet and to the point, but also packed with meaning. I am soooo not the sentimental/emotional type person, but it was nostalgic and I came away from there feeling empowered.

People have been asking what I'm doing with all my free time: well, I'm busier than ever. The Team is getting ready to start in January, training is in full swing, and working around the St. Matthews area makes drive time everywhere three times what it normally is. I absolutely love this time of year, but for some reason the traffic seems absurdly ridiculous this time around. I would just start walking places if it wasn't -30 degrees (not really, but it feels like it), I'd get there twice as fast!

Anyways, waiting until the last minute to finish shopping as usual, put too much on my plate as usual, trying to cram everything in and stressing out because there needs to be more hours in a day... as usual. Man, life was so much easier as a college student... I want to go back to school ;-)

Merry Christmas to all and make the most of every minute! Everyone is stuck in traffic so don't let it bother you, let your friends and family know you care about them, wear a smile all day long (it's contagious), and be thankful for those who've touched your life. :-)

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