Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

So Week 1 of Back-In-Training is going well so far. Nothing too crazy of course, lots of running and swimming becasue I'm a wimp when it comes to riding in the cold. I'm doing one of my all-time faviroite races tomorrow, the Iroquois Parl Turkey Trot. It's a five mile family-fun race through the hills. I'm thinking I might dress up as an indian, or maybe a turkey. Any thoughts?

So, yes, it's Thanksgiving!! Woohoo!! I heard on the radio that the average American will gain 2.7lbs. this weekend!!!! Holy moly that's a lot of weight added to our country in a few short days!

I've been doing some thinking about what I'm most grateful for... and here's what I came up with so far:
1. My family...duh. They are the best and super cool. My mom and dad are my support crew and saviors when it comes to racing. They encourage me in every walk of life and have made me to person I am today!
2. My bros. Even though they are technically included in point #1, they deserve a special mention. My two brothers, Sean and Christopher, are my very best friends in the whole wide world. They are super hilarious, and they love me for the dork I am!
3. Hollie the Heffer. She's been my closest friend since we were in the 3rd grade (not including the time when she stole my 8th grade boyfriend, even though she technically dated him first...). She's the most beautiful person I know and has the biggest heart; she'll do anything to help a girl out!
4. My coach, Big G for taking me in and molding me into something fierce (well sort of, it's a work in progress). She's taught me to be tough and fight like a boy, all while wearing pink and a huge smile.
5. Cinnamon Toast Crunch... I love food way too much to pass up an opportunity to thank my lucky stars for something so tasty as cereal. I think the reason why I race is becuase I know my loving mom will buy me a box and have it waiting for me at the finish. Mmmmmm!
6. And of course, all the beautiful people I've met through this sport. I've had some stellar races and some less than stellar (much less), but regardless my friends, family, and fans are there every step of the way. I hope that I can have even half the impact on someone as fans have had on me. The supporters of this sport are what gives it a special place in my heart.

So tomorrow, get out and enjoy the day!! Be thankful for your ability to be active and surround yourself with loved ones who value the same. Happy Thanksgiving!!

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